Dirt Cookies

That’s right, it’s one of the reasons I do what I do. A Dirt Cookie can remind us why we are seeing through this vision God gave us to feed starving children in Haiti and the hungry here locally. 

What are dirt cookies? Well, think of this, you’re a mother in Haiti, you barely have a place to live, a few sticks, a tarp and cardboard held together, only a few clothes, rancid water and 4 or 5 children to feed, plus no money for food. What do you do as a mother?

You scrape together some of the clay off the ground, add some oil or salt if you have some and then you shape them into flattened discs and bake them in the sun. They are hard and bitter tasting. You give them to your children, not because they taste good or because they have any nutritional value, but it is the only “something” you have to fill their stomachs.

Hunger is a true reality in Haiti – one of the poorest third world countries. We can change this. Will you help us?



"Pulse" Reaching Out

Catchy title, right? So, what does it stand for? Purposely Using The Lord’s Strategy For Excellence. That is the name of the children’s group who came and packed meals for Kids Against Hunger on January 28th. These kiddos saved up enough money, along with a matching grant to pack 4,400 meals for starving kids in Haiti!

What a fun time everyone had. Fresh, young excited faces, their hair covered with hairnets and KAH aprons that stretched to their ankles. Proud parents (a lot of them) standing alongside, helping them pour in rice and ingredients, passing bags down the line and smacking them flat (vigorously I might add, I think it was the favorite job) to go into the boxes.

There was a whole contingent that colored the boxes and also drew pictures to go in them. The kids in Haiti will love that personal touch. I hope to have someone who knows (not me) attach a few pictures. I think my favorite is the one where they all gathered around and prayed for the long trip these boxes must make and for the kids who will receive them.

Thank you all who made this possible. Would love to hear your stories!
