Check out our Verde Independent Article: Kids Against Hunger plans 250,000-meal packaging event Oct. 11

Kids Against Hunger plans 250,000-meal packaging event Oct. 11
Since its first event in April 2011, VV Kids Against Hunger has packaged 576,088 meals, the majority of which have been sent to combat childhood starvation in Haiti.  Approximately 15 percent of the meals are distributed locally in the Verde Valley.
Since its first event in April 2011, VV Kids Against Hunger has packaged 576,088 meals, the majority of which have been sent to combat childhood starvation in Haiti.  Approximately 15 percent of the meals are distributed locally in the Verde Valley.
COTTONWOOD -- Manzanita Outreach/Verde Valley Kids Against Hunger will have its most ambitious food-packaging event ever later this year.

Kids Against Hunger once again will partner with the community to package 250,000 meals in a day-long event at the Verde Valley Fairgrounds Oct. 11.

Since its first event in April 2011, VV Kids Against Hunger has packaged 576,088 meals, the majority of which have been sent to combat childhood starvation in Haiti.

Approximately 15 percent of the meals are distributed locally in the Verde Valley.

At the Oct. 11 event, Kids Against Hunger will continue to package its standard product for Haiti distribution, but the organization also will package a new meal product that will be distributed 100 percent locally.

Manzanita Outreach Board President Bob Shimko said, "We are very excited to now have the ability to package and distribute a food product designed specifically to address local needs.  The community support we have received has allowed us to achieve amazing results in Haiti.  However, we realize that there is a need right here at home and we know that the people of the Verde Valley are generous, compassionate, and committed to helping as needed.  We would like everyone to come out on October 11th to make a difference."

Shimko said Kids Against Hunger is now accepting $1,000 sponsorships for its Oct. 11 event.

The tax-deductible sponsorships will pay for the costs of the food supplies that will be packaged at the Oct. 11 event and will allow community members, clubs and organizations to participate in the event for free.

Individuals and companies who want to purchase tax-deductible sponsorships can do so by contacting Karen at 928-649-5772 or Bob at 928-300-3513.  

To read the original story, click here.

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